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Giving to Animal Sciences

With your help, animal science students achieve a high-quality education and pursue careers addressing global challenges. Your financial support enables Animal Sciences to enhance the student experience and maintain our top-ranked program, facilities, equipment, and research.

For information or to discuss options for making a major gift, please contact the advancement office directly at 217-333-9355 or email

To make a gift, select the amount for the fund(s) you wish to support, then click the “Continue” button below. You will be directed to the University of Illinois Foundation’s secure online giving site for your personal and credit card information. To clear all inputs and selections click "Start over."

Animal Sciences Excellence Fund

The Department of Animal Sciences is able to fulfill its commitment to the land grant mission, in part, with gifts to the Animal Sciences Excellence Fund. This general fund is used to support curriculum enhancement, student professional development, faculty and staff, research, physical infrastructure and equipment, and more.

Gift amount

Animal Sciences Scholarship Fund

The Animal Sciences Scholarship fund assists in attracting the best and brightest undergraduate and graduate students to the Department of Animal Sciences, providing them with rich experiences, and preparing them for success after graduation.

Gift amount

Livestock Judging and Meat Animal Evaluation Coach & Teaching Specialist Endowed Fund

Gift amount

Meats Judging and Meat Animal Evaluation Coach & Teaching Specialist Endowed Fund

Gift amount

Dairy Judging Coach & Dairy Science Programs Coordinator Endowed Fund

Gift amount


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